

Home______We Are Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On

To understand how the outside of an aquarium looks, it is better not to be a fish. --Andre Malraux

What my net can't catch is not fish. --Sir Arthur Eddington, in satire of the mechanist position

Who can tell that when we think we are awake we are perhaps slumbering, from which slumber we awaken when we go to sleep.
--Blaise Pascal

Last night I dreamt I was a butterfly, or was I a butterfly dreaming I was a man?-- Lao Tzu

The mind's fate is, after all, a person's fate. We are drawn along by our private visions, but beyond them stretch almost indefinitely for each of us the vast and compelling mysteries of chance and circumstance. --Georges Bernanos.

I had a prophetic dream last night. I was arguing with a minor official to get my Volvo shipped back to the states. In the dream he told me that he wouldn't ship it. That's what happened today. An official told me that I hadn't completed the paperwork properly and it couldn't be transported until the forms were filled out correctly. --From Hal's Germany journal
